Seedling, Eggplant, Obsidian
Solanum melongena
We have searched around the world for open-pollinated eggplant varieties that thrive in our climate and that are not F1 hybrids. The gem from our search is Obsidian eggplant. Obsidian comes from the north of China; its round, dark purple and shiny fruits appear as a jewel in the garden and later becomes a treasure in the kitchen. Height reaches approximately 80 cm. Harvest from July to October.
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Sow early into seedling trays by the end of February. Keep them in a warm place protected from frost. Transplant into the field after May 20 at a distance of 60 cm on all sides. In a greenhouse you may sow from the beginning of May. Always pinch off the first set of flowers to encourage sturdy stalks and deep roots.